Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Autumns Sweet Melody

Whistling sounds interrupt the night,
Warm prayers take flight,
Summer falls short preparing for winter,
While love tries to free itself from its splinter,

Hearts endured the abrupt torture from the suns beating rays,
Too hot for love as autumn handles the delays,
Early nights changes the fashion,
A lustful climate creates a need for passion,

Old pictures collect dust above the fire place,
Reminiscing seems to create space,
Another chance for a wounded soldier says the brain,
I'm sure with a few more heart beats a minute the heart will maintain,

The rush of blood warming up the souls,
Who dares to chance with the embers of love to become whole,
Such fragile entities collect broken pieces to prepare for the war,
In hopes to make peace and a treaty to calm the roar,

Of feelings, and mixed emotions,
The oceans of obstacles to seek devotion,
Preventing the endeavors of ones past to tattoo on the sleeves,
Yet join the breeze of change like leaves...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Love Lost

Forced to test with the laws of physics and entertain the black roses,
Having thoughts of investing in a diamond in the rough with the model poses,
Forsaken with the illustrious delusion of outer beauty,
Covering the golden hearted child that's pushed out of the view see,
She held the title of being a woman with grace and fell to a temporary disgrace,
Hence her image was tainted leaving facts of her greatness to be misplaced,
So I make arrangements to end the love affair with her as I walk with the florist,
Since my journey through my loves heart makes me feel like a tourist,
As I ponder upon the beautiful garden searching for something lifeless,
I pray that I never have another moment like this,
Memory seats I'm sitting on hoping to recline to a happy time,
Then I remember I'm on a stool in front of a double pour with no lime,
Sipping to replace the tears and tipping to survive the years,
Of running from the empty glasses I've left to clear,
Perhaps I struggle with the deception of saving for loves cost,
When in all actualality I'm setting myself up for love lost...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Gift Of The Soul

Life has graced me with the present to watch my soul grow,
I was granted with the gift to see my subconscious show,
Like a forced marriage we were given a predetermined bond.
Gazing upon the normal structure of reality we stood beyond,
Engulfing alternative lifestyles and corresponding lessons,
Riding the rollercoaster of blessings and gaining material for jam sessions,
Modeling the ideal image of perfection,
Proving that yin and yang has the same reflection,
Balancing the ups and downs with hopes to overdose on our subliminal high,
Creating a blissful escape from the consequences of living arrangements that we comply,
To, while losing ourselves in the moments that separate us from our original form,
Where we're blind from tragedy and sin, yet we begin to drown inside the norm,
So we go through a temporary era to conform just to survive,
Until we can gas up our dreams to fuel us on the journey we drive,
To reach the destination of looking down on the skies,
Simultaneously and telepathically these vision arise,
As if it were coincidence or just a surprise,
That it's possible to look your soul in the eyes as one who is idealized...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Definition Of...

Can we commence to a movement that makes the soul dance,
Perspiration takes form and begins to prance,
Go deep with a mental penetration that's more than a relation,
Or dental collaboration, used for a verbal masturbation,
Let's ride the roller coaster of emotions and give new meaning to devotion,
Leave memories to erosion and take notes on every notion,
Can I caress your thoughts and massage your lips,
Get a taste of your ideas and I'll hold tight to your hips,
May I rejuvenate your happiness and capture the moment,
May I make payments to your love until I've paid enough to own it,
Let me play in your garden that seems to often soil,
Hold you close as if we were made to coil,
Prepare to taste your metaphoric gysm that I'll began to crave,
Lay slave to your ways while I wait for memories to save.
Trip on the persistence towards your resistance,
Accept the challenge of obtaining your heart not just for instance,
May I hunger and ache to wine and dine to you and love it,
In hopes that when we lay we aren't simply defined, while we create our own definition of it,

Monday, February 3, 2014

Alone With My Thoughts

Quiet nights tend to get the best of me,
The awkward silence devours what's left of me,
My thoughts have an appetite for the carcasses of the things that would make me reminisce,
Those same things I sacrificed to witness bliss,
The temptation of tomorrow sends my mind astray,
While I continue to push one away,
My body takes a toll of pain, my mind feels sorrow,
As my rage tends to ignite, and I look for feelings to borrow,
Since the burden of my own seems to heavy,
Yet the dam to keep me from breaking down has a rusty levy,
Thoughts of being on bended knee seems to take flight,
While I wonder who has me in their thoughts to keep me up at night,
I've become employed in someone else's dreams and a stranger to my own bed,
Reality laughs at the simplicity of life that I give complication in my head...