Thursday, December 30, 2010


As she inhales deep breathes, she exhales the stress,

Hoping that her misfortunes with wasted time lead to happiness,

Confused with love and not wanting to be alone,

She's trapped between her thoughts and messages from her phone,

Seeking guidance she talks to a friend or two,

Advice is heard but there's nothing they can do,

Family pitches in but she doesn't know where to start,

She just wants to be free without the broken heart,

From a situation that wasn't supposed to happen,

One moment it was pure love, then trust made its reaction,

Her past seems to always be a factor in his mind,

But he didn't seem to notice or care that she began to lose her shine,

Because of him, seeking his approval she began to change her ways,

Her happiness wasn't real and went on for many days,

Weeks, and months, it was a sad thing to see,

For her changes to make him happy made him mad easily,

Overlooking how she did everything around his wishes,

Took on the disrespect and repeated calls of Bitches,

He began to only look at her through the memories of her past,

So of course she realized they wouldn't last,

And in turn she ran away,

Without looking back she took off without a trace,

She took off to fast to let him know the results of his hate,

She took off to fast to let him know her actual fate,

Gone in the wind, she's running,

Quick like lightening but the opposite sound of the thundering,

For ever raining through her eyes, Mary Kay leaves tracks,

Her body is still changing I guess its time to trace back,

To what was going on, and what was untold,

Inside she was dying, leaving no time to get old,

Stress sped up the process, lost love messed up her rest,

Trying to find a cure too late took away her best,

Until finally, she ran in the right direction,

She met someone new and worth the selection,

Someone worth her attention and time spending

Her faith had returned and led on a fairy tale ending,

For now she began to glow and shine,

He existed in flesh and lived in her mind,

She began to get better, sunny days took over her weather,

Forecast, now her smile breeds pleasure,

So happy for my friend her running has finally came to an end,

I hope he stays true to her and doesn't pretend,

For if someone has her running again, I will have to go,

No longer will she run alone I will have to follow...

The Letter

Dear Who It May Concern,

I’m trapped in this 186lb cage,

My mind wants to be free but is overcome with rage,

Temptation gets me almost every time,

I can only be factored by myself and One so I must be prime,

Too deep of a notion to be caught up on my emotions,

But nonetheless I want greater devotions,

So I have “Greater Intentions”,

But I’m doomed by the “Fear of Falling In Love”,

And confused because it’s pure like the white on a dove,

Attracted by “Suicide Girls” but I don’t see it,

Until we grow closer then I don’t want to believe it,

I feel so “Empty”,

That those who want to befriend me don’t call my phone,

Because like myself they “Fear the Unknown”

Sometimes when I wake up I just wish to see “A Winter Wonderland”

But the “Pain In My Life”, destroys its existence, so I don’t give a damn,

Then I’m recollected,

Because “Thoughts When She Crosses My Mind” remind me,

That when I look into her eyes I know “Where I Wanna Be”

I’m no longer “Trying to Understand”,

I just reach out for her hand,

Hoping I can run away with my feelings,

But as a man that shouldn’t be appealing,

So I “Break Down”, because I know my “Mission: Happiness”,

I look for nothing more or nothing less,

I’m over being “Love Sick” so I’m back to my regular tone,

And I speak to the world with “My Rosetta Stone”,

If you haven’t picked up on it yet,

Everything quoted is no ordinary text,

It’s a title of a poem I wrote,

That you may have read at least I hope,

So of course I had to go through a “Self Destruction,

No longer am I “A Mystery In Disguise”, or only about seduction,

For I too want to experience a dream come true,

Not only with falling in love, but “Polishing a Memory” too!


Mr. Williams

If My Future Had A Child...

One thing that I want to avoid but it may be inevitable in the future... and that's being a father!

Wow, who would've guessed I would have a child on the way,

After all the times of rejection, now one's here to stay,

If have a daughter,There's so much she will need,

I need her to become all she can be from my seed,

Will I become over protective,

With her friends I'll be too selective,

Watch every boy who offers her a toy,

And question her sadness and her joy,

Step back when she needs it, step up when she wants,

Show her the kind of man she deserves, and never try to front,

When she grows up, I hope she gets respect,

May all guys treat her descent and not select,

Can she live all her years without rape,

Go on a descent date,

Grow up without hate,

May God give her a man who will do her right,

Show her he can fight,

For her love,

Show her she's worth being around,

Give her the everything I can't now,

May God guide her on the right path,

With the equations of life educate her math,

Keep her high off life, keep drugs out her sight,

Her ambition isn't to survive but get to the light,

For I know if she has that drive she will be alright,

Well hopefully, but if not I'm willing to fight,

Unless I have a son...

Well I will still fight but some battles I have stand aside,

I just pray he doesn't have issues overcoming his pride,

I hope I can be around to help raise him I know the time he's worth,

No baby momma drama so me and his mom will marry before his birth,

May things work out for the best,

Even if we split I will spend time with him before I rest,

Dedicate my life to helping his, no need for the distance,

Be a better father than mine, for instance,

If I'm close enough to wipe the tears from his face,

No man will STEP in to take my place,

He's my son so I will teach him what's wrong and what's right,

I'll stand in his corner for every type of fight,

Never turn my back on him, and catch him when he falls,

Look up to my son whether he's short or he's tall,

Because I know with my teachings he will be a better man than me,

And I'll say it proudly so even MY PRIDE can clearly see!